
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Desert Dog4/29/2009 1:08:14 pm PDT

re: #223 Ojoe

But how can the GOP for instance talk about balancing the budget after Bush’s deficits?

Plus, the GOP is seen as the party of “Big Business”, which is viewed as the cause of many problems at the moment, and with some reason, seeing as big business has shipped many jobs overseas.

The GOP doesn’t have to jump, it already has & it just hasn’t hit the pavement yet.

The left is not offering solutions other than taking over entire industries and running up breathtaking debt. First the Banks, then the automobiles….next up….health care. I think the Republicans will have all sorts of economic ammunition to fire at Obama’s “Europeanization” of the USA. Obama will be the best thing that ever happened to the Republicans, just like Bush was to the Dems. The Republicans are in the wilderness now, but it is not a permanent exile. If you think it is, you writing off about 50% of this country.