
Are You Ready for the Mini-Schwein?

J.D.6/20/2009 7:24:20 am PDT

From VOA, in this order…
US Congress Condemns Violence Against Demonstrators in Iran
By Dan Robinson
19 June 2009

White House Welcomes US Congress Condemnation of Iran Violence
By Kent Klein
White House
19 June 2009

Both houses of Congress passed a resolution Friday condemning the Iranian government’s violent response to protests after the disputed presidential election.

The resolution was introduced by Republicans who are frustrated that U.S. President Barack Obama has not more directly criticized the crackdown and Tehran’s suppression of the Internet and mobile phones.

But White House spokesman Robert Gibbs Friday told reporters the resolution reflects the views Mr. Obama has consistently made clear. “Obviously, we welcome the resolution. We believe, despite the question, that it echoes the words of President Obama throughout the week,” he said. ….

Sure it does.