
McCain's Senior Adviser: Palin Candidacy Would Be 'Catastrophic'

non obama mama10/02/2009 2:05:26 pm PDT

McCain is acting like a slimeball here.

He chose Palin, and decided to cast her in the national spotlight. That was McCain’s choice. Yet instead of sticking with his choice, he decided to bash Palin when he lost, and then appear to stick blame on her for losing.

Hey there, partner - you chose her! So if she was a disaster, it is your fault as well!

And now this.

I think Palin is absolutely the wrong choice for 2012 (or any time), but a McCain surrogate saying this just strikes the absolute wrong chord with me.

Here’s hoping a good man or woman will run in 2012 who can beat Obama and stands for human rights and democracy.