
Obama's Afghanistan Speech

Silvergirl12/01/2009 9:19:58 pm PST

The part that struck me wrong is this:

As President, I have signed a letter of condolence to the family of each American who gives their life in these wars. I have read the letters from the parents and spouses of those who deployed. I visited our courageous wounded warriors at Walter Reed. I’ve traveled to Dover to meet the flag-draped caskets of 18 Americans returning home to their final resting place. I see firsthand the terrible wages of war. If I did not think that the security of the United States and the safety of the American people were at stake in Afghanistan, I would gladly order every single one of our troops home tomorrow.

Yes, on the surface it looks good. My gut instinct is that he does not see firsthand the terrible wages of war. He has gone through the expected motions as he fulfills his duties as President. When I first saw that he had flown to meet those 18 caskets I thought it was a good thing, then I began to suspect photo op. I don’t know, I don’t feel his sincerity as I read the words or as I hear them from his mouth. He is trying to convince someone of something here, but I wouldn’t think the majority of troops who hear him say that he signs letters of condolence to the families of Americans who give their lives means that he sees firsthand the terrible wages of war.