
Republican Congressman Confronted by Extreme Anti-Immigrant Protesters, Threatens to Punch Them Out

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)4/22/2015 7:21:48 am PDT

re: #271 Lidane

Watched my first Mexican political debate last night because work.

As annoying and full of bullshit as American debates are, they’ve got a few things going for them, like an audience. The debate I watched took place in an empty studio with all the candidates standing at podiums in front of a white screen. The moderator would tell them what the topic was and then go down the line for each party’s candidate to articulate their position on that topic. Then they’d get another round to be able to respond to anything that someone else said. Once that was done, they’d move on to the next topic.

ZZZZZzzzzzzzz….TOTAL snoozefest.

Sounds like a discussion of policy and view rather than personality and soundbites.

No reason we’d want to do that in the US.