
Donald Trump Says Obama Committed the Biggest Crime in US History, but He Doesn't Feel Like Telling You What It Was

Jay C5/12/2020 7:26:50 am PDT

re: #264 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Their goal will be to fuck it up beyond any recognizability or credibility…and I am sure they are pursuing that as a strategy as Trump’s numbers tank and his mind unravels.

And, like so many other GOP “goals”, probably unlikely to be reached.
The problem, for them, is that voting in elections (Presidential on down) is run by the states - and not all the states’ election systems, even in some “red” ones, are so fundamentally partisan/dishonest as to “fuck up” - or in some cases, even be able to fuck up the results. Especially if the race is a blowout.

That isn’t to say, of course, that they won’t TRY to “game the system” - say, by enacting/enforcing (disgracefully legal) voter-suppression measures (restrictive ID requirements, curtailing “oppo” polling opportunities, etc.): but it’s questionable, IMO, exactly how effective such measures might be.

Naturally, when Trump loses in November (whether by squeaker or blue-tsunami), he and his creatures are going to start - and keep - howling FRAUD!!! RIGGED!!! STOLEN!!!! to the nth degree: but after the Electoral College “meets” in December, it will be GAME OVER. And the main thing then will be to try to curtail (or at least figure out how to remedy) the damage the Trump regime will be doing on its way out..

Except for the wave of pardons, of course: not sure what can be done about those.