
Tea Party Reports Open Thread

Right mind left4/15/2009 1:37:53 pm PDT

I think we can all agree that there are many things wrong with the picture today.

Regular people are fed up and feeling powerless, thus attending these over-manipulated tea parties, that I think many will agree won’t accomplish any intended goals, except to provide fodder for mockery.

What I see in Charles is a voice of reason.

What I ask NOW is what can the lizard army DO?

We have a great site here for venting, but Charles, what can we DO? WHAT do you suggest be done to redirect those in power NOW, to temper the destruction of our economy, the future of our constitution and the state of our union…the unserviceable debt we saddle the future generations with, etc.

I know about the “next election”. I have written in vain to my congresspeople and received their parroted responses…

Is there anything else the oh-so-powerful Lizardoids can (band together and/or) DO that would be constructive?

Anyone know how to start legislation that can be put on any special ballot? Is this insane?