
Texas Creationist School Board Chairman Gets the Boot

Birth Control Works4/30/2009 11:28:43 pm PDT

You-all may remember that I am listening to War and Peace, which is flawlessly narrated by Neville Jason—a master. The writing is beautiful.

Being me, I have to look up the history of the era and critques of the book itself. I have learned that Leo Tolstoy, himself, WAS A WHACKO.

Learning that one of his books inspired both Ghandi and MLK Jr., I ordered it. I read one chapter and nearly vomited. I will venture to finish it as time permits.

Not only is GK Chesteron’s assessment correct, I now have a whole new tangent of history to research.

Luckily the current Dalai Lama stated that non-violent resistance is useless against terrorists—as their hearts aren’t open to the truth. I’m glad to know that there are leaders, religious and otherwise, who are sane.