
Comedy Central Backs Down After Islamic Group's Threats Over 'South Park'

HRH Stanley Sea4/22/2010 3:47:32 pm PDT

re: #264 freetoken

So the question is… why did they invite him in the first place? This controversy over Franklin Graham was well known - it’s been played out in the media ever since he made that statement, given that he is the son of the most famous preacher of the 20th century.

It was a major f*ck-up by the Army.

Graham, the son of famed minister Billy Graham, was scheduled to speak May 6 at a National Day of Prayer event organized by a Colorado group chaired by Shirley Dobson, wife of Focus on the Family founder James Dobson. But in a statement released Thursday, Graham said the Army had changed its mind.

The Dobson’s arranged the whole thing.