
Sunday Afternoon Open

Prononymous, rogue demon hunter3/06/2011 8:05:02 pm PST

re: #256 b_sharp

I’m still trying to sell my A-, Security- and Network- non-certifications, but no one is buying.

If someone asks me if I have A+ cert, I just tell them I have a in C.S. and they’re all impressed and stuff and forget about the A+, even though a degree doesn’t have anything to do with repair of hardware or software.

Yeah, I don’t really put much weight on them. It is just something to show an interviewer if they don’t understand that >20 years troubleshooting computer issues, programming computers, etc blows away a piece of paper.

But I got out of the computer industry precisely because everyone sees it as the next big market and jumped in with degrees, etc. I’m not good at selling myself and there is much higher competition for every position. It is an employers market and the workers are getting hosed in IT, IMO.