
Live Video: Sarah Palin at CPAC, Romney Wins Straw Poll

jaunte2/11/2012 2:42:18 pm PST

CPAC Blogger Awards:
(cached link)

CPAC Red Carpet Bloggers Awards

1. Top Humor Blog – Iowahawk Blog

2. Best Writer on a Blog – Ace of Spades

3. Best News Blog: The Right Scoop

4. Best Blog Links: Instapundit

5. Best New Blog: Naked DC

6. Best anti-Jihad Blog: Atlas Shrugged

7. Best State-Level Blog: The Shark Tank

8. Most Influential Blog: Instapundit/Glenn Reynolds

9. Most Underrated Blog: Legal Insurrection

10. Tea Party Blogger of the Year: Gateway Pundit

11. Best Overall Blog: Hot Air