
New From Olbermann: For Whom Has Trump Made America Great?

William Lewis8/29/2017 6:17:17 am PDT

re: #263 Amory Blaine

Northerners racism is just as real as southerners. Up north, you could work with - even be supervised by a black man - just don’t let him live in the same neighborhood while down south they could live next to each other but the black man’s work better be subservient to the least job a white man had.

And up north you had segregation by ethnic groups as well. Germans live here. Irish there. Polish over there. And so forth. Sometimes (I remember one German/Polish boundary like this) there would be different neighborhoods on different sides of a street and no one would go to anything - bar, church, grocery - on the the other groups side.

It’s no wonder that Milwaukee was considered the most segregated city in America. Probably still is with the work the Sheriff is putting in to keep it that way.