
Today in Trump Chaos: Trump Calls on Congress to Approve $2,000 Stimulus Checks, Hinting He Might Not Sign Relief Bill

PrairieQueen12/23/2020 3:40:11 pm PST

re: #4 🌹UOJB!

…demanding Giuliani stop making “defamatory claims against Dominion” and ensure there is “no confusion about your obligation to preserve and retain all documents relating to Dominion and your smear campaign against the company.” The attorneys told Cipollone their preservation request is vast and includes conversations White House officials had with attorneys like Giuliani or Sidney Powell regarding Dominion.

Who says they won’t produce jack shit, or have a shredding party, or replace their hard drives? This is like asking the fox to watch the hen house. Relying on the bad guys to produce communications that show they’re bad just doesn’t seem very reliable.

Am I missing something?

I think anyone related to Trump in any way is going to have amnesia, replaced hard drives, and missing records. I watched a real shitheel years ago on the hook for millions get off scot free because the records that were requested of him simply up and disappeared.