
Ron Paul!

itsjustme4/15/2009 5:54:32 pm PDT

It feels like Charles is trying to separate himself from any movement that has whackos associated with it, as whackos hurt the cause. For instance, creationists are killing the GOP, Ron Paul is ruining the tea party movement.

You will never be able to separate loonies from any movement. If anyone has ever attended a meeting about anything political, there is ALWAYS one nut in the room that loves to hear himself talk. That is unfortunate, but does not diminish the message.

What’s amazing is on the left, the loonies are elder statesmen of the party, i.e. Al Gore. On the right, it’s usually a much looser connection from someone who has never led the conservative movement, i.e. Ron Paul.

I’m concerned that Charles’ desire to throw the baby out with the bath water is a reaction to the mainstream press’ long term approach of demonizing the right by finding kooks and calling them the standard bearers of the movement.

I refuse to waste time distancing myself from loonies in order to please the mainstream press. The message is right, and it’s clear, and the opposition is trying to distract the discussion with sideshow freaks that they claim are representative of us all. I’ve had it, and I’m not going to engage in that discussion. Unfortunately, I think Charles subconsciously has taken the bait, and is trying to prove his purity of position. I believe in your purity of position, Charles, even if I don’t always agree with you.