
Breaking: Massa Under Investigation for Allegedly Groping Male Staffers

goddamnedfrank3/09/2010 1:47:07 pm PST

re: #244 Guanxi88

Eh, shows me that support for Steele was pretty strong, and I daresay that Katon - what the hell kinda name is that, anyway? - lost his racist bona fides by trying to integrate his country club - before he left after they didn’t go along.

This is an obvious and deceptive half-truth. Katon Dawson didn’t write the letter urging his country club to change its policy until after he became interested in the RNC position:

Word actually began to trickle back this summer, when Dawson first began to look into the RNC position, and forced Dawson to defend himself. To that end, Dawson provided his local paper, The State, with a letter from August, in which he stated his intention to fight the “unacceptable” stipulation. That letter read, in part, “It is with only the best interests of our club’s proud tradition at heart that I inform you of my intent to work to change the club practice that would exclude membership for anyone based on any specific ethnicity.” That letter came just 11 days before the RNC’s conference and has some wondering if Dawson was simply playing politics.