
Suspect Arrested in Attempted MLK Parade Bombing is a Neo-Nazi

albusteve3/09/2011 4:36:28 pm PST

re: #267 Killgore Trout

I don’t think it’s really about the futility and echo chamber. I’m just not so sure there’s an honest case to be made in favor of union busting. Sure there are legitimate concerns about unions and the balance of power between workers and employers but let’s face it: Public school teachers are not evil fat cats draining the system. They are very poorly paid and perhaps better pay and working conditions might result in attracting better teachers. Better teachers resulting in smarter and more successful children which would make a better future for the country.

unions are hotbeds of abuse and corruption…not every union and certainly not all members are corrupt but it has become a situation that must be dealt with…I’m not anti-union, I’m anti-corruption…check out the disability scandal that has rocked the LIRR for a few years now, and that’s just one example…my mom was a union elementary ed teacher for over 30 years and I witnessed how much effort she put into her career and she was never compensated enough….teachers unions are the least of a municipalities budget woes, but paying a teacher off the job for whatever reason until tenure can be breached and the person fired is unexceptable..the entire education system needs a serious shakedown and unions become part of the problem when they resent and try to prevent that