
Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

Targetpractice4/28/2012 9:49:15 pm PDT

re: #257 palomino

You do realize that gas prices were actually higher under Bush in early 2008, right?

Oh, but that doesn’t fit the narrative so you ignore it. What a surprise.

What’s Romney gonna do to get gas prices down? (Don’t say Keystone, that might work in 5 years…what’s Romney gonna do NOW? Is it the same triple secret plan Newt promised would bring gas down to $2.50 a gallon?)

They keep saying Keystone because it fits with their belief system, namely that the “Invisible Hand” responds only to “signals” and always responds in a certain way to certain signals. So, you okay Keystone and agree to letting the oil companies drill on even more public land for even cheaper prices and boom, the “Invisible Hand” is supposed to drive oil prices down. Then, when you ask for proof, they point to the same day every time, when Bush made his big speech before the White House about opening up more offshore space to leasing and the price of oil fell. What they don’t mention is that the same states where this space was opened up immediately reacted by placing bans on that space for oil drilling.