
The Downfall of the Limbaugh-Hannity Talk Show Axis Accelerates

Kragar7/29/2013 10:42:09 am PDT

Fox News guest: Weiner ‘un-attracted’ to Huma Abedin ‘because she is connected with Islamists’

In a Red Eye panel discussion pointed out by Right Wing Watch on Monday, the Lawfare Project’s Brooke Goldstein said that “the real question is why is Weiner so un-attracted to Huma Abedin.”

“Perhaps it’s because she is connected with Islamists who want to kill us!” she opined. “Perhaps it’s because her family members are part and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood. I completely agree with Andy McCarthy that she poses one of the greatest national security threats of this administration. She has access to the most classified information, because of her position with [former Secretary of State Hillary] Clinton about the Muslim Brotherhood, which is — it’s creed is to destroy America from within.”