
Video: Rachel Maddow Digs Deeper Into the Christie Scandal Timeline

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)1/10/2014 9:23:37 am PST

re: #262 Mattand

Still trying to parse how educating kids is a destructive liberal agenda.

Le sigh….

I think he was not saying that as much as saying that requiring constantly increased funding was not working since it was being spent without there being any apparent improvement in comparison to other states. He didn’t go past that in possible reasons *why* an improvement was being seen. So it just ended up with an implication that the additional funding was being wasted for no gain and therefore was not worth pursuing further.

I don’t think he’s anti-education as compared to anti-wasteful spending. But the argument came out sort of half-baked since this is just comments and not something nuanced and complex since you’d need knowledge of the starting conditions, current conditions, and on-going programs of the NJ educational system. Plus I’m sure that the results would be a mixed bag and not uniform anyways. And beyond that there are lots of effects on education outside the schools in the local communities as well which this funding is probably not touching. (takes a breath)