
Dylann Roof's Roommate Says He Was "Planning Something Like That for Six Months"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/19/2015 12:25:45 am PDT

It because clear a couple of years ago that Australia was going to be the “western” nation most likely to embrace Inhofe-like climate policies, and they continue apace:

Never Mind the Pope, Australia Plans Czar to Police Windfarms

A day after Pope Francis urged world leaders to cut fossil-fuel emissions, Australia outlined plans to appoint a commissioner to crack down on windfarms.

The government is also backing further research into whether windfarms damage people’s health, Environment Minister Greg Hunt said Friday in a radio interview.

People have “concerns over the localized impacts of wind energy and they deserve a right to be heard,” Hunt said. “This is where the role of a commissioner comes in.”

Prime Minister Tony Abbott, who’s labeled windfarms as ugly and noisy, has shown limited enthusiasm to join the U.S. and China in a broader global fight against climate change. His government axed a price on carbon emissions and is negotiating with lawmakers over reducing renewable energy targets.
