
Overnight Podcast: The Bob & Chez Show, 12/10/15

lawhawk12/11/2015 8:09:40 am PST

re: #265 The Vicious Babushka

More to the point, the folks who attend them to hear his “tips” get nothing more than platitudes - not exactly academic excellence.

And that venture is being sued by the NY AG’s office because it claims to be a university - which has a very specific legal meaning. For starters, it doesn’t give out degrees and it isn’t accredited by anyone.

He then changed the venture to Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, because NY came down hard on his BS. Oh, and the venture pretty much collapsed of its own derpiness and the AG has continued investigating because those attending were bilked out of thousands in fees.

The whole thing was designed with one person’s profits in mind - Donald Trump. The fools who paid for it? They lost the money and got nothing of value in return.