
Photo of the Day: The Most Unhappy White House Group Portrait Ever

Mattand8/19/2017 7:20:30 am PDT

re: #270 nines09

Hey, Nines, going OT here:

A while back I posted a question about buying a new amp. I have a 30-year-old Hughes and Kettner 30W combo. I was wondering if it has a loose ground wire. as the amp seems to buzz when it’s plugged in, regardless of what you’re doing. You were questioning whether it was a ground wire at all.

I’m pretty sure it’s the amp. I’m going to check again, but I’ve swapped out cables in the past and the buzz remained. I’ve also plugged the guitar into both GarageBand and a video game/tutoring software called Rocksmith on the computer, and there’s no buzz there.

I was wondering if it was worth trying to get this thing fixed, or just dump it and get a new amp. I’ve had my on this deal at Monoprice that seems to get decent reviews: 40w combo for $70.

Thoughts? Any help is appreciated.