
Seth Meyers: Southwest Airlines Contradicts Fox News, Says Chaos Not Caused by Vaccine Mandate

Backwoods Sleuth10/14/2021 10:56:02 am PDT

Last week, a group of students at Coosa High School in Rome, Ga., were filmed waving the Confederate flag and hurling racial slurs.

Newsweek reported that the four students filmed were carrying the Confederate flag in favor of “farm day” on school spirit day, which led up to homecoming.

They did not face any repercussions.

In response, many students said the school did not do much to reprimand the students carrying the flag; and there was a protest planned to bring awareness to the problem, CBS 46 Atlanta reported.

However, the school administration suspended several students who were planning the protest. Student protesters tell CBS 46 that only Black students were suspended.

“The administration is aware of tomorrow’s planned protest,” the administrator said over the intercom before the planned demonstration. “Police will be present here at school and if students insist on encouraging this kind of activity they will be disciplined for encouraging unrest.”

Two white students participating in the Friday protest were not suspended, even though they claimed to be as disruptive as the Black students, CBS reported..