
McCain's Senior Adviser: Palin Candidacy Would Be 'Catastrophic'

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/02/2009 2:06:56 pm PDT

re: #269 sattv4u2

When was the last time you saw a concerted effort by the GOP to have fiscal responsibility? The only one I know of in recent memory who reallyy thought like that was John McCain,

So the most recent nominal head of the Republicans was for fiscal responsibility! The man that was nominated BY the party to LEAD the party in the most recent election!
huh ,,, imagine that

And what great support he got from Republicans like you! You think I don’t remember all of the rants about him?

Also, following his defeat, what direction did the party take? Did they say, hmmm we need to get more moderate? Or did they say we need to get further into the crazy?

No the defeat of McCain, and the subsequent rise of all of this hysteria was the final nail in the coffin for moderate, fiscally conservative Republicans.

If you don’t believe me… Two words…

Colin Powell.

Love him or hate him?