
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/16/2010 3:59:16 pm PST

re: #248 fraxinus americana

Wow I post 6 words and you come up with all that? Nice imagination there sunshine.


I know it isn’t actually a video but it does give the basics.
Sorry not really familiar on how Christians weep.

Well I will give you a pass then. Here is a hint though, Jesus was really into doing charitable acts towards the poor and not so into mocking them. In fact he had this whole sermon about people like Rush having a real hard time making G-d happy.

But it is cool you don’t know that.

I’m not Christian either. I had to do some research, because after all, it is very hard in this nation to find references to the ethical teachings of Christ.

That said though, your post doesn’t make much sense. Are you trying to say that some really whacked out moonbat site is a guide that poor people should use to find food? Do homeless people have internet?

Or is your point that it is fitting to them that they should have to do something so degrading?

Or are you saying that now that you have some idea what Jesus might say about such an attitude, that maybe he would approve of making poor people dumpster dive and that is funny ha ha?

Or are you saying that I have this utterly wrong impression about “ohhh so Christian” Rush, who is working on what his forth wife and eight mistress, being not such a good Christian after all, because Jesus would be down with thinking that poor people dumpster diving is funny and be all for adultery?

It is true. I am not a Christian and the “Christian” faith of someone like Rush or any who agree with him, is considered pure evil by my own. Really, I wrote a giant post about how the GOP is utterly evil by he standards of my own faith. I always thought hat Christians had the same standards. Perhaps I am missing something that you could explain.