
Assange Arrest Imminent

Gus12/02/2010 9:05:11 pm PST

Casualties of war…

Part 1

# Iraq, Saddam Hussein (1979-2003): 300 000 [make link]

* Human Rights Watch: “twenty-five years of Ba`th Party rule … murdered or ‘disappeared’ some quarter of a million Iraqis” []
* 8/9 Dec. 2003 AP: Total murders
o New survey estimates 61,000 residents of Baghdad executed by Saddam.
o US Government estimates a total of 300,000 murders
+ 180,000 Kurds k. in Anfal
+ 60,000 Shiites in 1991
+ 50,000 misc. others executed
o “Human rights officials” est.: 500,000
o Iraqi politicians: over a million
* [These don’t include the million or so dead in the Iran-Iraq War.]