
Rachel Maddow on the Violent Anti-Abortion Movement

RogueOne4/22/2011 6:13:27 am PDT

Was Emma Watson Teased Out of Brown?

(Newser) – Holy witchcraft! Did Emma Watson ditch Brown because she was sick of teasing by Ivy Leaguers smitten with their own relentlessly sophomoric Harry Potter humor? Chums say Watson left because she couldn’t take one more “3 Points for Gryffindor” joke every time she answered a question correctly in class. “She’s really smart,” and she likes to participate in class, but didn’t appreciate the jokes, an insider tells the New York Daily News. Harvard students were also a pain when they “stalked” her at a football game and “shouted Harry Potter phrases as her,” says the pal.

I can see that getting old pretty quick.