
Obama Decides Not to Use the Word 'Genocide' - Leading Chuck C. Johnson to Praise Hitler

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/22/2015 4:53:25 pm PDT

I was raised poor in a California trailer park. My army class A uniform was the first tailored suit of clothes I ever had.
I pulled myself up too, with no handouts, except the publicly funded schools that provided me with a good enough basic education to be admitted to Cornell when I got out of the Army, and the GI Bill and a hefty private scholarship from various liberals that paid my tuition. Oh, and public highways and roads so I could get where I needed to be, not to mention USGS maps and surveys (worth billions of dollars) that I could use for free in my business, and the publicly funded cops and game wardens who kept us from being killed by brigands or eaten by wolves when we were out prospecting or surveying and the scientific research that created the basic markets and know-how that made it worthwhile and medical research that keeps me healthy and productive to this day.

These lepertarian ignorami are stealing from others when they claim sole credit for whatever they have achieved.