
Overnight Jam: Greg Holden, "Save Yourself"

Reality Based Steve4/24/2015 9:36:17 am PDT

I’m not one to get too involved in dieting, my weight varies between 157 and 162. When it gets toward the high end, I go on a modified fast, 2 days a week, (usually Mon and Thur) I limit myself to 600 calories, and I try to eat those as late in the day as I can. The rest of the week I eat my usual way, and try to up my activlty level slightly too.

For me, it works very well. I’m still within 10 pounds of what I weighted when I got out of the Army 15+ years ago. Of course, I am sort of like a jack russell terrier in that it’s hard for me to be still and quiet, so that probably helps a bit too.

I have a friend who was very overweight, commited himself totally to the adkins / lo-no carb plan, and over the course of a couple of years, pretty much lost the equilivant of ME in weight. We were talking about it one day, and I pointed out that he’s not carrying me on his back every day. He said he never thought about it that way, but it made sense.

He’s kept the weight off too, when it starts to slip up, and after holidays he just gets a bit more strict in his adherance and gets back to his new normal before it goes too far.