
Sanders Supporter Tim Robbins Thinks Exit Polls Prove Hillary Is Stealing the Election

Nojay UK4/26/2016 8:36:44 am PDT

re: #262 withak

I’m still not convinced that driverless anything can handle severe inclement weather a) safely and b) reliably with current or even near-future tech. Until then, we’ll either have to accept that you won’t be able to use driverless services to get people or goods from point A to point B during a severe rainstorm or snowstorm, or we’ll have to rely on actual human “backup” drivers.

I’d put it the other way around, driverless vehicles with lidar and geopositioning and all the other necessary hardware an autonomous vehicle needs would do a better job of driving in bad weather than humans armed only with the Mk1 eyeball (corrected if necessary, prone to degeneration by age or illness) and decision/reflex times in the tens of milliseconds (again prone to degeneration under the influence of drugs, hormones, tiredness, age and/or stupidity).