
Video: Stephen Colbert Reminds Us About This Country Called Russia

lawhawk8/03/2017 6:51:57 am PDT

This deal? Trump’s actions make him look terrible because he is objectively terrible.

He’s absolutely incompetent and doesn’t know what he’s doing. He surrounded himself with people just as incompetent as he is and he chose his inner circle based on loyalty, not competence. The most competent thing anyone in his inner circle has proposed was the Mooch’s ideas to unify and clarify the communications department. Mooch never got to see that work done because he was fired before he even started the job.

Kelly’s now in the business of herding cats and trying to impose some kind of control/discipline on the WH, but given that Trump is a category 5 shit storm of epic proportions, Kelly will fail. He will be undermined by Trump’s inner circle whiz kids of reactionary ignorance: Bannon, Miller, Kushner, and Ivanka. Yeah, that’s a winning combination.

None of these people know what they’re doing - other than sabotaging functioning government, and when there’s multiple reports saying that Trump needs constant coverage to make sure he doesn’t do something rash, that’s a cry for 25th Amendment action - not to further enable his administration as hobbled as it is.

Trump is the source of all these problems. Rearranging the deck chairs by bringing in a new captain to help the Trumptanic isn’t going to stop it from sinking.