
And Now, a Very Special Scary Pockets With Ben Folds & Maiya Sykes: "Kate" [VIDEO]

Citizen K10/24/2019 10:27:06 am PDT

Man, there’s simply nothing more exhausting and rage inducing than the Calvinist “wealth = personal worth” mindset. Clearly, if you’re working your ass off and aren’t rich, you’re just a bad person and deserve your squalor and misery. Good people succeed always and are rich, therefore if you’re poor you’re bad and worth only contempt. And you should never have any free time, luxury, or breathing room ever, because wanting that proves you’re just too lazy to be good like all those holy rich people.

I want to say that this is worth torches and pitchforks but it’s clear a significant amount of people in this country would take up said torches and pitchforks and march on the peasantry instead of the aristocracy.