
Seth Meyers: Federal Investigators Are Considering Sedition Charges for the Coup Attempt, and Examining Trump's Role

Dangerman3/23/2021 10:18:34 am PDT

re: #261 Eclectic Cyborg


You have to pass a test to be able to drive a car.

imo, while car/driving/license analogies are easy to understand, somewhat applicable, and have merit with reasonable people/honest arguers, they tend to fail because driving is a non-constitutional, regulated privilege.

right, wrong or otherwise, and however you interpret it, the 2A is in the constitution and that will always make it a different animal.

there can be no argument that gun ownership/possession comes with responsibilities.
every right comes with some responsibilities. even those under the 2A.

focus on laws that make people responsible for their actions.
that includes gun sellers.
nothing pre-emptory except with regards to imminent threats.
no confiscations, bans, registration, etc.
you screw up, you’ve proven you’re not responsible.
you lose your freedom, finances and future.
if you dont speed, dont drive drunk, respect red lights and stop signs, the world leaves you alone.

the only place this argument goes is ‘we want the right to own guns and no responsibility for what happens”.
while this is what they’ve been doing, they haven’t quite come to saying it out loud yet.