
Video: Dawkins vs. Wright

Shug8/05/2009 6:13:38 pm PDT

I can’t remember when it happened that Republicans turned into democrats with less interesting footwear, but sometime after Newt split the scene.

we had crooks like DeLay. Freaks like Larry Craig and Foley. Big spenders bringing home the billions in pork and preaching “smaller government”
Phoney tax cuts that only shifted most people into the AMT bracket, with no tax cut at all.
Phoney conservative rhetoric.

and I feel pretty pissed off at being taken for granted.
the GOP has treated hard working honest fiscal conservatives like the Democrats treat African-Americans. Lip service

Alternative?? Third party. Bullshit. Third party = Democrats in control for 40 years.

Leadership and somebody in the GOP not afraid to lose, in order to win. that’s what we need. Somebody who leaves the social agenda where it belongs : in the home of each individual, not in the party platform
Don’t know if we’ll get it.

hope so