
Coulter Speaks to Gay Republicans: 'You're Not Black'

austin_blue9/26/2010 4:08:10 pm PDT

re: #249 Obdicut

You’re missing my point, dude. If you don’t agree with that, then you don’t agree with what Satt actually said.

What he said, in response to the question for what things were like for gay people in the military before DADT, was “They weren’t asked”.

Relentless little booger, aren’t you?

What I heard when I read Satt’s post was that they were not asked *as policy* back in the day. Which is true. Keep in mind that in the late 70s’, there were very few “out” gays anywhere. Now I am sure that if some sensitive young man came into a recruiting office wearing a tutu and makeup, he might have been asked if he was uummm “different”, because policy at the time was that homosexuals could not serve.

By the way, I actively worked my first campaign as a block walker for McGovern- a former B-24 pilot in WWII- in 1972. What was your first active campaign?

You should be nicer to old people like us.