
Video: A Bridge Too Far

lawhawk10/04/2011 7:42:27 am PDT

re: #255 Targetpractice, Worst of Both Worlds

Christie didn’t work in the Obama Administration, Hunstman did.
Christie isn’t a Mormon, Huntsman is (for those who think that being a Mormon is an automatic disqualifier for being President even though that is a biased and contra to federal law and qualifications to be President).

However, the most important difference:

Christie isn’t in the race; Huntsman is, but you wouldn’t know it from his polling.

Christie is the shiny alternative to the crapshow that the GOP and TP has put together. Now, Christie may end up being just as bad as the rest as he would have to curry favor with the same nutjobs who first proffered the likes of Bachmann and Perry and then turned on them when they realized just how nutty they were - or that they weren’t sufficiently extreme in their positions. That remains to be seen.