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Romantic Heretic5/16/2013 6:58:44 am PDT

re: #272 FemNaziBitch

I’m sorry, I haven’t really been paying attention. Is Social Dyslexia a diagnosis?

I’m asking because I have felt similarly. At first I thought it was because I was an only child. Then I learned I was a Global-Divergent Thinker.

When “Think outside the box” became a big deal my response was “There’s a box?”

It bothered me for a short time in Junior High, but I figured it wasn’t worth the extreme effort it would take to fit in the group.

No. Social dyslexia is my own term for my problem. It wasn’t just that I have trouble perceiving social faux pas but when they are explained to me I still don’t understand them.

“There’s a box?” is a good way to describe it. To many people there is a box, and good people live inside it. If they are even aware of the box at all.

People like you and I are aware of the box and it’s in our nature to step outside of it. “Because that’s the way it’s done!” just isn’t a good enough reason for us.