
McCain Playing Poker on His iPhone

Justanotherhuman9/04/2013 3:55:35 am PDT

I’m wondering how many in NATO or the UN would vote if it were “white people”, not those “Muslim Arabs” who were being gassed?

Anti-Muslim sentiment runs high not only in the US but in Europe and other countries with majority white populations as well.

The racism against Pres Obama is buttressed with the hatred of Muslims.

That’s where a lot of this “sentiment” (which isn’t policy, BTW) against a tailored target in Syria to stop the chemical attacks by Assad are coming from. They don’t care any more about that than they do about the slaughter of Africans by Africans. All those people are “expendable” as long as it doesn’t affect white people.

Keep “sentiment” on Hallmark cards and take a hard look at what’s going on. Sentiment is what keeps people in horrible, abusive relationships, for instance, and prevents us from thinking rationally about our own well-being. Drama solves nothing, but love and caring, invoking real human values, can when it’s done with clear thinking.