
Seth Meyers: Republicans Try to Dismiss Trump's Second Impeachment Trial

Renaissance_Man1/28/2021 9:39:48 am PST

re: #263 No Malarkey!

It’s a deep but not very broad slice of voters, and it’s not growing demographically. They have the neo-nazis, the Klansmen, the militias, the white nationalists, the white evangelicals, and the uneducated whites. When your appeal is based on making your voters hate and fear people of color, it’s hard to earn their votes.

I don’t think that’s really true. First of all, it includes the middle class whites even more than it does uneducated whites. Secondly, hating other groups of people comes very, very naturally, and always has throughout human history. Believing that hatred has limited appeal is going to end badly. Immigrants of all kinds aren’t immune to this - many groups that we don’t think of as ‘white’ nationalists will happily sign on to this agenda as long as they feel they’re part of the protected group.

Demographics will not end the US fascist movement. People aren’t automatically against fascism because of the colour of their skin or the language they speak.