
Khaled Abu Toameh on the West Bank and Gaza

lawhawk2/02/2009 1:58:55 pm PST

re: #249 buzzdroid

The eco-leftist neo-luddite nutcases always preach this kind of crap, and always want others to put their own lives and undermine their standards of living, while they get to live comfortably (see Gore, Al as prime example).

The only difference between those eco-nuts and this one, is that she’s practicing what she preaches and isn’t having any further kids. It just isn’t her place to preach to others what they should do.

The fact is that the wealthier a nation becomes, the more environmentally responsible they are; they actually improve the climate by reducing the need for cutting forests and can return more farmland to prairie and forest - see what’s happening in the rain forests today and you’ll find that they’re actually increasing rain forest acreage because more people are giving up subsistence farming for living in urban areas and a better life.