
Evolutionary Adaptations Forced by Climate Change

karmic_inquisitor8/14/2009 4:52:59 pm PDT

re: #252 Racer X

I am now fully on board with the AGW bandwagon.

With that being said, OMFG what the hell are we doing! We must take action now! I demand a “Nuke Deal” program to jump start nuclear power in America immediately! The fate of mankind is at stake! Anything less than all out nuke plants is a waste of time and energy!

Or is something else really the goal here?

Nuclear power is the only option available to us. If you concentrated all of the toxins that are byproducts of photovoltaic panels you’d end up with more crap that you’d have to bury in 55 gallon drums than for the equivalent yield of nuclear fuels. Yes - nuclear waste is nasty stuff, but it comes in concentrated, easy to track form as opposed to the often airborne wastes from other sources.