
Terror Arrest in Massachusetts

Guanxi8810/21/2009 12:02:12 pm PDT

re: #271 suchislife

So go ahead and challenge it with facts and numbers. Show how Beck is not right at the center of the modern conservative movement. How he did not orchestrate the biggest conservative populist demonstration of this administration. How his ratings aren’t going up. How there aren’t sensible moderate republicans right on this blog who think he’s indispensible to getting at the truth.

I’m not Bill Buckley, nor do I play him on this site.

Is he at the center of the modern conservative movement? Not yet, he’s not, but he does have a Presidential nod in support of his desire for the position

Did he contribute to the nuttery of the Tea Parties? Of course, and I was right here raising holy hell about these nut-jobs.

His ratings are going up? Perhaps, and good luck to him with that. I infer nothing from it other than that people would rather see the Silver Gopher hyperventilate and weep than watch anything on offer at MSNBC or CNN at the same time.

Name three sensible republicans on this site who think him indispensable as a means for getting to the truth.