
Pat Buchanan Defends Sarah Palin's Birther Pandering

What, me worry?12/04/2009 10:29:49 pm PST

re: #266 Gus 802

Christmas time is upon us again. That means it’s time for another round of Bill O’Reilly whining about an imaginary war against Christmas and another opportunity to slander atheists.

I don’t know what’s worse. The one or two atheists that object to a display in Podunk City, USA or having to here O’Reilly and his minions numbering in the millions chattering about this for the next 20 days.

lol He says parents don’t want their children to see God is a Hoax printed alongside buses. Ya know, I guess it goes back to that diversity thing, but what’s the big deal? American kids grow up with friends of all faiths and denominations, including those with no religion at all. If you put up signs about churches, synagogues and mosques, why don’t the atheists get their turn?