
Weblog Awards Canceled Due to Something or Other

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)1/05/2010 3:28:57 pm PST

re: #275 sattv4u2

1. What town, I meant?

2. Yes, I do think that saying you can just teach them the right thing at home abdicates the school’s responsibility— or our responsibility as citizens to make sure our schools are as good as can be. I do not see how what you said changes that one whit.

3. answered in 269 and 272

Yes, and apologies again for misunderstanding you.

4. So you won’t move to improve your childs school district because it’s a “hassle”. So tell me whats important to move for? What will you put up with and stay?

Frankly, I know that most of the education of my kids depend on myself, not the school system, since it’s suffering. I’ll try to get into the best school system that we can, but we will be mostly constrained by my fiancee’s placement in med school, and then later, her placement as a doctor in rotation. So you see, there’s a very real-world example where we will not be free and clear to pick where we live. We will be constrained by her job.