
Tuesday Night Open

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/10/2010 6:42:45 am PST

re: #273 sattv4u2

You asked a question. I supplied the answer. Take it up with Alaska if you don’t like the way they wrote their statute!

Well, I do think that they should have provided for this situation and they didn’t, which was rather silly of them. But I bet they’ll amend their law after this year to make it clear.

I fully understand that you side with Miller’s lawyers on the subject of what’s allowed as a write-in law, and against Alaskan election officials. I’m not sure why you do so, and I’m not sure why it’s such a passionate subject for you.

One can make an argument, as you are, that ‘last name’ means ‘correctly spelled last name’. One can also make an argument that ‘last name’ means that they voter clearly intended to write that last name, even if they mispelled it. This would be the rather rational point of view, in my opinion.