
Assange Arrest Imminent

SanFranciscoZionist12/02/2010 9:06:27 pm PST

re: #272 Gus 802

I guarantee you that if we had ever “invaded Darfur” that the extremist anarchists would be screaming at their tops of their lungs about how the USA conducted themselves under such an operation.

Yes. But we didn’t. And we won’t.

I can’t tell myself that civilian casualties are any better because Saddam was a murderous bastard, when I know that we knew exactly what was going on in Iraq, we knew for decades, and did nothing. We acted when it was in our interest to act. Our interest. The Iraqi civilian population was not taken into account.

We did not go in on a humanitarian mission. Because of that, I refuse to balance the folks we killed, for whatever reason, under whatever circumstances, against the folks Saddam Hussein would probably have killed.

I will not take that out.