
Overnight Video: The Killing Joke

Renaissance_Man9/18/2011 11:53:12 am PDT
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said on Sunday that House Republicans would oppose President Barack Obama’s payroll tax cuts for both employers and employees, arguing that the policy had already failed to provide a sufficient boost to the economy. “It hasn’t worked,” Ryan said, suggesting the current temporary tax cut should be allowed to expire, which will amount to a 50 percent tax hike on workers making less than $106,000 per year.

He also said he opposes the president’s proposal to require millionaires to pay the same tax rate as the middle class, known as the Buffett plan. “Class warfare might make for good politics, but it makes for rotten economics,” Ryan said.

Tax cuts for the wealthy haven’t produced jobs in ten years, but they’ll work just fine, if we just believe hard enough.

Trickle down economics hasn’t worked in thirty years, but they really really will, this time, if we just become more pure.

And yet, despite this patrician hatred of the middle class and poor, Republican voters still earnestly believe that their party represents the little guy, middle America. Facts be damned, evidence be damned. It’s about what they feel, and what their media demagogues tell them about those hateful libs.

You’re an embarrassment, Congressman. An embarrassment and a coward.