
Highly Recommended: Michele Catalano: The March to War and Back

HoosierHoops3/19/2013 4:57:01 pm PDT

Well Crap.. I really need to post this about LGF to set the record straight about a past issue. I’d never felt it was that important on this until Old line Texan..( remember him?) He was tweeting about the unfair treatment of Realwest today.. Don’t worry OLT I won’t be silent and really most lizards care about you to answer questions upon your years ago angst over Realwest. So get ready to cut & paste your heart out but really just read.
I really liked RW as a poster and we privately talked about life and stuff..Good guy but in 2009 ( I think ) He started going off the rails about Charles. and his anger kept going worse. Now I would never publicly trash
RW but I must claim indirectly to his demise here as a poster.
One day RW send me a pretty ugly about Charles and said that since he spends a penny a word by donation to Charles that he should have freedom to say whatever he wants of his 1st amendment rights.. I thought it was a silly and a childish reaction to LGF. So.. I forward his email to a few friends here wondering if RW was loosing it or here is a good laugh anyway.
One lizard forwarded the email to Charles which I strongly objected to.
I realized my sin was revealing a private email to others and if they sent it on I can’t object without being a Hyproncite. I learned a lesson.
Now The letter Charles read would have really pissed me off. It’s good when you learn what people say behind your back. It can be hurtful to read those words that warp reality. I would have dumped anyone saying shit about me in the first hour..Period..Amen Old Line Texan.
But Charles didn’t over react and gave RW rope and time to let History and his own words doom him.. That is your Answer Old Line..His own words and actions determined the path he was going to take.
Charles remembers and I apologize for bringing up the past.