
A Wildly Unique Vocal Group in Concert: Roomful of Teeth

Higgs Boson's Mate11/18/2014 8:48:29 am PST

re: #263 ObserverArt

Right now Rand Paul is jumping on any hot issue. He is running for president one way or another.

The question really should be, is he honest or just positioning and doing it with sound bites.

I for one do not trust him. He IS Rand Paul. And as everyone says, give him five minutes and he will veer off into Paul-talk and sound like an insane idiots.

Trust him or not, and we don’t because we know more about him than what’s presented on the evening news, Paul is speaking out. Five minutes is forever on televised news so I doubt that there’s much awareness of Paul-talk outside of places like LGF. Essence is perception and if Paul becomes perceived as a champion of civil rights and immigration rights then the reality is that he’ll get the votes of many for whom those are key issues.