
Milo Yiannopoulos' Posts Are Actually Written by "About 44" Gamergate Clowns

gwangung4/01/2016 9:52:29 am PDT

re: #269 Decatur Deb

Posted this yesterday. Bernie might be trying to grow an alternate Dem establishment.

edited to quote link—lost ability to ‘copy’:

About Bernie’s reluctance to support down-ticket candidates with appearances or cash:

MoveOn (created to defend a different Clinton) is the most established of the Bernie boosters. They are also raising funds/building lists for something new—“Sanders Democrats”. The three they solicited for today are Lucy Flores, Zephyr Teachout, and Pramila Jayapal. All are new or very local candidates.

Jayapal is a good candidate, but she’s running in a very blue part of the state. It doesn’t add near as much as trying to flip seats that are currently red.

Also, I’m wondering why an third machine? He hasn’t made the case that the current Democratic party is unsalvageable, or more importantly, not amenable to change. Yes, they have advantages of money and experience…but that’s an advantage that can work for you if you’re in charge.

And certainly, the religious right has shown it’s quite possible to take over the established machinery of a political party….